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Truck owner spraying down his truck.

How Often Should You Wax Your Truck?

Truck owners know the importance of waxing your ride. It is a way to protect the surface of your truck, while also keeping it looking nice. But if you have never waxed your own truck, then it might seem overwhelming. Well, we are here to assure you that applying truck wax is a simple process.

In reality, there are all types of wax you can get and use in your garage (or more likely, the driveway). A wax job provides a layer of protection, but doesn’t have to be done in a commercial garage. Additionally, it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.

Naturally, waxing your truck (especially for first-timers) comes with some questions. You want to get the job done right, which means taking the appropriate steps to do so. One such question might be, “What type of wax do I use?” Fair question, and we will get to that.

Another popular question is, “How often should I wax my truck?” Again, a good question. And one that we hear all the time. Let’s break down the answers a bit so you can prepare yourself and protect your truck.

Consider Wax Replacements

While we are always discussing truck wax, we tend to favor wax replacements. There is no question that wax replacements for trucks continue to grow in popularity year after year. This is due to a variety of factors.

For one, wax replacements are simple to use. Simply spray it on (the more popular option) and rinse it off. Spray wax replacements are quickly becoming a household garage item out of simplicity alone.

Additionally, wax replacements tend to have certain advantages over traditional truck wax. For instance, wax replacements are better suited to protect your truck from UV rays. This is crucial, especially since there are few things as enjoyable as taking your ride out for a sunny day spin.

But wax replacements also protect from everyday elements, such as dirt, dust, grime, or other contaminants. And this leads to our most common next question, “When should I wax my truck?”

Semi-truck owner washing his truck.

How Often Should You Wax Your Truck?

There is not a single correct answer to this question. Nor should there be. Some truck drivers might insist that waxing should occur every eight weeks. While others are confident that once a year is enough for them.

So why the range of answers?

Basically, you should wax your truck based on your usage. For example, you might be a person who relies on your truck for work. In this instance, you might be behind the wheel every day. Whether making deliveries, hauling items, or just driving around from site to site, this is a lot of usage.

Therefore, it is recommended that you wax your truck more often than someone who rides occasionally, mostly for enjoyment. Where you keep your truck parked overnight plays a role as well. If your ride is constantly parked outside, for example, then it is exposed to the elements. This is different from being parked in a garage.

This exposure plays a role in how often you should wax your truck. Harsh weather and climate are other factors. There are many people who live in areas where the four seasons all make a full impact. A popular choice for someone who uses their truck on a regular basis is to wax with the seasons.

This is easy to remember, and won’t feel redundant. Similarly, the change in seasons is when other truck maintenance tends to occur, such as tire pressure checks. If you live in a snowy area, spring is when you tend to clean your undercarriage of salt and road gunk.

Therefore, the seasonal change makes a lot of sense. But if you are a casual driver and feel that even seasonally is too often, then we understand. The bottom line is that you wax your truck depending on your usage. But, make sure you are indeed waxing your truck!

Going a year or more is not recommended. Like any bit of truck maintenance, the consistent waxing will protect it in the long run. So stay up to date like you would with any other bit of truck care.

Shop Our Wax Replacement

We are always happy to provide additional guidance based on your truck usage or answer any other questions you may have. Either way, try our wax replacement for your truck and get started on the right foot.

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